
Dierne pulls aside the tapestry to another weyr. It's roughly the same size as the one you just left. Dierne unshields the glows and you can see more clearly inside. A large stone couch takes up most of the space along the wall. Nearby the stone couch is a worn-out looking blanket next to several pillows. A movement catches your eye, and you see a green hatchling nestled within the cushions. It catches youe eye for a moment before falling asleep.


"Besides Roseath, there isn't really much here. I've brought in some bottles of oil, bushes, and rags that I thought might come in handy. And I think I have have them stuffed into a corner. And over there is a large jar that my parents gave me. When they found out that I would be coming here they weren't at all dissapointed. Instead they helped me pack and sent me off with hugs, kisses, and that jar. They said that it might come in handy one day."


After scratching her head Dierne looks at you. "Well I guess there isn't much to show you now. I suppose that you can go to Starsands Weyr, or back through the tapestry. Now I must be getting busy. It's time that I chop some meat before that bottomless pit wakes. Good-bye."


All the graphics on page was made and is copyrighted to me. The background entitled 'SpringFlight' is not available for public use.