

It's just past sunrise when you visit the next weyr. Barely awake you nearly stumble into a chest next to the door, only to miss it by several fingerlengths. Leaving the chest behind, you begin to truly look around the weyr. It's rather average-sized, with the usual window letting in light and air. At the far side of the weyr you notice a female figure moving towards you with a candle in her hands.

As she draws closer you take note of the piercing green eyes set into a heart-shaped face. Wavy brown hair frames her profile and falls neatly to her shoulders. Long, almost gawky arms sway with her even footsteps as she draws ever so closer to you. Bright, intelligent eyes appraise you quietly as the candle she's holding is placed onto the chest.


"Hello visitor. What brings you to my weyr this early in the morning? Since my Roseath is only a hatchling, nor have a perfectly stunning impeccable weyr to gasp at, I'm assuming that you are just wandering around the place and seeing what may be there."

You give the girl a look that could only mean several things. One: How did you know that? Two: What are you talking about? Three: What side of the cot did you wake up this morning? Not too sure what to say, you just return to look she's giving you. The both of you face each other for several breathes before the girl begins to laugh.

"Hmmmmm, so my facade did not fool you. My name is Dierne, and I'm not really that haughty. I just wanted to make sure that a person who would enter my weyr this early in the morning is not some crazed maniac. By the way visitor, what is your name?"

The transformation is Dierne completely suprises you. She begins to act like the teen she appears to be. Dierne shows you around her weyr, pointing out the jars, vases, and other brightly colored ceramics that are scattered around the weyr. After neatly side-stepping a broom, Dierne leads you to a table and motions for you to have a seat.


"I suppose that this is the time that I tell you more about myself. I'm sixteen turns old and am the daughter of pottery makers. I know, I look about ten turns older than I really am. Well my parents assumed that I would become this wonderful pottery maker like they were and spend the rest of my life in complete joy creating works of art. They were wrong. I enjoy making pottery, I really do; but it isn't something that I want to do for the rest of my life. I can make pieces like this vase over here,that would probably fetch high marks at a Gather. But that's not what I want to do for the rest of my life."


After looking at the flower vase on the table, you ask Dierne what she wants to be. The girl in front of you just smiles at points out the window. Through it you see that Glade filled with the runners that live there. Some of them are calmly nibbling the grass, while others are frisking about.

"I want to ride. The thought of riding so fast that you feel like the wind seems like bliss. And actually that's how I came to be here. My parents have this old gelding that once raced. One day when no one was looking I saddled him up and took him out of the stables for a ride. Well old Gregeres was eager to be out and raced down the path. I thought that I was flying. For about an hour we rode until we were spotted by a dragon rider. He had asked if I had lost control of my mount. And I told him that riding Gregeres like that was akin to flying a dragon for me. At that point his eyes lit up and he asked me if I would like to fly a dragon. And then he explained that they were looking for likely candidates at Starsands Weyr. And that is how I came to be here."

Absorbing Dierne's story, you look around her weyr and comment on where her dragon is. Dierne give you a hard pressed look before motioning to a tapestry hanging on the wall. She motions for you to get up and follow her.


All the graphics on page was made and is copyrighted to me. The background entitled 'SpringFlight' is not available for public use.