
Taking Trial's advice you visit who else was found.
There, a handsome green-maned drigus. He stands there
proud. Taking sight of you the drigus moves toward you.

*Hello visitor. I am Riddle, a drigus out of the famed drigus
couple Varisle and Wyrinitha. I had been discovered in a maze,
like most of my younger siblings. I have finally found a mate.
She happens to be the lovely Raaka. Care to visit her?

If you would like to know my genotype, it is down below.
I'm sure you'd like to meet my companion She'enedra
She's nearby, ahh, there is She'enedra over there.*

Body: H*, H*
Tail: D*, m
Ears: H, d
Head: D*, t
Feet: D*, T
Spines: n, n
Color: w, w
Whiskers: N, N
Mutation: N, y

After showing you his stats, Riddle nudges you another
direction. There is another drigus. She has a dark pink
mane with similiarly colored spines and equine hoofs.


~ Hello my name is She'enedra. I once was a member of the
Sha-Haven Drigetti Desert, but that has since dissapeared and
those like me were without a home. I have a home here now,
and watching Riddle grow to an adult has kept me busy.
We must be off now, time to go hunting for food. ~

Ready to meet more creatures?