A slim, winged creature nibbles at a fruit bush. Hearing your approach, she pertly clatters up to you. "Melir! Heyllo! I'm Blizzard Drifting Ancient Glaciers, or Blizzard for short. You want some of these berries, they're mighty good." You shake your head and look at her with wide eyes. "No? Okay. You know what? I have a new friend! She's a frondari like I am. Her name is Secret Creating Strange Weather."
Blizzard nudges a shy, brightly colored mare out. "Call her Secret. Her name's an extremely long mouthful. Then again, so is mine." They both giggle. Then the mare nudges against your leg, and you stratch her forehead gently in response. Secret beams at you.
Blizzard's Stats
Name: Blizzard Drifting Ancient Glaciers
Gender: Mare
Sire: Shadow Breaking Silent Fog
Dam: Snow Covering Spring Flowers
Head: Hl, N*N*
Eye: p*p*
Mane: H*H*, tt, WW-CC
Wings: YY, Ts, WW-CC
Antlers: dd
Tail: L*L*, ts*, WW-CC
Feet: DD, NNNN
Markings: pp, S*S*, R*b, EE, N*L, GG
Color: WC
Mutation: Nyn*
Secret's Stats
Name: Secret Creating Strange Weather
Gender: Mare
Sire: Desert Hiding Ancient Secrets
Dam: Whisper Creating Foggy Avalanche
Head: HH, dd
Eye: Bp*
Mane: H*d, St, CC
Wings: Yn, S*s, WL
Antlers: AA
Tail: Hd, SS, WC
Feet: DD, wwww
Markings: pt*, ll, bf*, G*E, LL, RC
Color: TC
Mutation: NNy
Species: Frondari
Origin: Nameless Forest
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