
"Psst, hey come over here!" A male voice seem to come out of nothing. "Yes you, I need your opinion on something." Turning around you see a dark-haired boy of about fifteen looking at you. He's rather red in the face, and you wonder what he had been doing. "I've been working on this dingy old weyr, and I need someone's opinion on how I'm doing." You notice the desperation creeping into his voice, and follow him into the weyr.

The first thing you notice is the light coming in from the window. It's a fine day out, and this lad's been inside cleaning? "I want to thank you for coming inside. Excuse me, my name's Dalar. And you are?" You supply your name. "Well nice to meet you. I suppose you've been meeting all the cantidates. Did you happen to meet Medea? We were both searched at the Harper Hall together." You ask if he was a harper. Dalar looks rather oddly at you for a second and then starts to laugh. "I suppose I was, being as apprentice and all. Never thought I was remarkable at it, but I played the harp rather well enough. Do you want to see it?" Dalar pull the harp from under the cot.


"Besides some clothing and other things, it was all I brought from the hall. Well, what do you think?" You look at him rather puzzled. "What do you think about the weyr we're standing in?" You then remember why he asked you here in the first place. Dalar's gray eyes are crinkled in amusement. "I spent all day here with a mop and pail as company. I'm rather suprised at the results, I could never keep anything clean back at the Hall, but I guess you can always learn new tricks." You admit it's rather neat and notice that Dalar lets out a sigh of relief. "Thanks. It's been great talking to someone, but I still need to clean out that corner over there. Something is stuck to the wall and won't come off!" You wave to Dalar and wish him luck. "Bye, and come back soon."

Strawberry Weyr
Strawberry Weyr